The Veterans Business Outreach Center (VBOC) Program is funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Office of Veteran Business Development and is directed by the Small Business Act (Title 15 U.S.C. sec 637 (b)) to participate in the Defense Department’s Transition Assistance Program.

VetBizCentral, a non-profit created under the provisions of Public Law 106-50, the Veterans Business Development and Entrepreneurship Act of 1999. The agency serves Military Personnel, Veterans, Guard and Reserve members. Our two state regional headquarters, located in Flint, MI, serves Michigan and Indiana.

Our Team

  • Ed Ronders


  • Abron Andrews

    Director, Navy Vet

  • Sherman Chevalier

    Office Manager, Army Vet

  • Matt Sherwood

    Sr. Business Counselor, Army Vet.

  • Dr. Reginald Smith

    Business Counselor, Air Force Vet

  • Mark Clement

    Business Counselor/B2B Training Coor